Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm tired of this weather but after all the post I've read this morning I feel "silly" to say the least, to be complaining about something so small and insignificant like the weather. Ok I know if you are a farmer weather is not insignificant but I'm not so to me it is insignificant. I know my boy loves to play outside and may be that's why I don't like it, I also know that I can't stand the gray on a cloudy day, unless I'm in my dream log cabin, sitting beside a huge chimney, sipping on some wonderful hot chocolate, or cappuccino or who knows ... something nice and warm, but that's in my dreams, I happen to be at work, where things are slower than slow (don't take me wrong, I'm thankful I have a job) and jumping from one blog to the next I ended up at this one!

OOOH MY ... I can't begin to tell you how I got completely suck into reading this story, this beautiful painful heart lifting story, I had sobbed, I had praise God and I had prayed this morning, all while reading these virtual pages. I have dried my tears when a costumer has come in the door and I had to blow my nose before I answer the phone. I know, I look bad at this point but who cares, how this story lifted my heart, redirected my mind and kept me in check with all those pity things we complaint everyday. Although I've been doing much better lately, I mean ... my mood has been great ever since a wonderful decision was made (I'll have to post about this sometime ... later, when the right time comes) but still, you know, we all have those little things that get to us.

Please if you have time - or even if you don't, just take the time to do it - read this blog. I strongly encourage you to do it. Specially if you are a Mom.

Meanwhile I ask you to please keep praying for Stellan (click the box on my side bar to learn more about him) and just be happy! Be happy for the talents God has given you, for the gifts He has placed in your life, for the wonderful plan He has prepared for you (us) and for having today to live! May be you are having a bad day ... but sill is your day and we got to go through it, be happy for that opportunity.

In other "mommy" news, I have to share I am the proud "aunty" of a gorgeous Baby Boy, my sweet friend Heidi gave birth to him on the same day her first one was born three years ago, which has brought back so many memories, since I had the privilege to be in the delivery room with her and her husband that first time.

The miracle of life is just precious in every way. Amen for that!

My sweet friend and me, 3 days before she had her baby
That night we baked and decorated 75 cookies for her son's birthday party.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Congratulations to Heidi and her new baby boy!

These stories are so tragic and these families are in so much need of prayer. Glad you are passing them on!