What have we been doing?
1) We finally put the crib together - I laugh at this because we were looking at Nicolas' pictures from when he was a baby and my pregnancy with him and 2 months ahead of time or may be 1 1/2 months ahead we had his room TOTALLY READY. Yeap and we are a few days from bringing her home and there are still little details that are not ready yet, oh how we change from one child to the next. :)
2) We've been trying to spend a lot of time with Nicolas as his parents will no longer be only his starting next Monday. He knows the time is coming soon, he keeps saying he will be a Big Brother - although I know he doesn't fully understand what that means but he seems excited about the whole thing. The other night when we were putting the crib together he wanted to get out of his bath, wet and all, to come see it. I promise you these are his exact words "Mommy!! I bet it looks so beautiful!!"
3) I'm aching more and more by the end of the day, to the point that getting up from the bed requires my hubby to help me up :)
4) We have 3 birthday parties this week, don't worry we won't attend all of them. We'll try to do 2 out of the 3, I'll let you know how it goes. One is on Thursday evening which we are definitely going - unless the weather doesn't collaborate - and the other one is on Sat. afternoon, at an indoor pool place, yes I plan on be brave and get on a bathing suit 2 days before I have my daughter, just because I love water and if I did it with Nicolas in my belly - when I looked like a royal cow - surely I can do it this time when I think I look better, right?
If you know me and plan on being there you are welcome to look away if you feel the need, won't hurt my feelings at all, whatever rock your boat is fine with me. :)
5) Nicolas and I have had some pretty interesting conversations like this one, the other day as we were on our way home from preschool, he said:
- "Mommy? did you get bathtize?" I told him yes, he asked the same thing about his daddy, I said yes. I asked him if he had talked about bathtism at school, he said no. Then he got quite and later he said:
- "but I'm a big boy I don't need to get BATHtize". I said "well is actually the opposite, when you are a bigger boy you will feel it in your heart and you can decide when you are ready to be BATHtize", he said:
- "oh yeah yeah ... when I'm bigger I'll get BATHtize".
I'll never know where that came from but I do know his brain is thinking about deep stuff and I love it as he is still a silly funny little guy too!! He also told me last night "Mommy oh how do I love you" - needless to say I started crying, I'm glad the lights were off so he wouldn't see me but those sweet words just melt my heart and of course I'm pregnant and sensitive, although my husband can tell you - pregnant or not tears come down pretty easily for me - I keep telling him is good therapy! :)

6) Matt and I are hoping to go out to eat this weekend since after Monday it'll be harder to find someone to watch a baby and a 3+ year old boy. We will continue to make the effort because it is important to us but we are no day dreamers (although I do a lot of that myself) we know it gets harder as you have more than one child.
7) We had started the "fireproof your marriage bible study" and so far it has gone great, by that I don't mean we haven't argue or I haven't cried or anything like that, I mean we are doing it, we take the time to sit and read together and it had lead us to great discussions as a couple. The challenge will be when Emilia is here ... this is why we started, so we could "protect" our marriage for the tough times ahead. Let's be honest, when you have a newborn at home and you add the lack of sleep and all that involves taking care of a baby and your home and your older son and yourself ... well is just not a pretty picture. We've been through it once and it is hard. Hopefully this time we have more experience and we can handle things better, right? ... right? ... surely ... right??? :)
Right,Right, right I promise you'll be surprised at how different this baby will be and how relaxed you will be taking care of her,after all you have a big brother to help,and you will be surprised at how much easier it will be to put her in her crib instead of holding her all the time.
Love Ya Marilyn
Odds are that the second child will be a lot quieter, relaxed and more easygoing that the first one. Relax!! Keep us posted!!
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