I do enjoy giving gifts, wrapping them, watching people's faces as they open it (when I'm allowed to do so because if my son is opening presents in the same room than you I can assure you my eyes will be fixated on him, his expression, his words etc).
I enjoy decorating the tree and putting a few other decorations around the house, I'm not huge on decorating every single room or changing my whole kitchen or my whole house theme (what did I just said? theme? my house doesn't even have one during regular seasons of the year ... ha ha ha ha).
This year has been an incredible one with our son, because of his age he can understand a little more, we've had interesting talks about "Happy Holidays" vs "Merry Christmas" (of course we go with the 2nd one, THE TRUE one!), we've wondered when Santa is coming. When we woke up to snow flurries coming down last Friday he was so excited and quickly asked if Santa was coming that day, some days he's afraid of Santa, some days he can't wait 'til Santa comes, who knows what he'll come up with next.
He does love Christmas, through out the whole year we read Christmas books, we wait for Christmas lights to be up (not in our own house but on others who so carefully work on their yards to make them look perfect so people like us can drive by and enjoy them so much =) Thank you so much).
There's no doubt my favorite thing so far this year has been my sweet boy singing on his Christmas program at school, it melted my heart.

Oh my boy, how you melt my heart with your sweetness!!!!!

Santa and Mrs. Claus visited his school this week, his first reaction was to cry but quickly his sweet teacher got him better and he got to seat on his lap and told him all he wanted for Christmas was a yellow puppy with blue dots ... so you know what I'll be doing this evening, gluing blue dots on the yellow puppy I found at the store last night ... he he he.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
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