We've all heard the cliche
"you don't know how much you appreciate something until it's gone", right? Well what about when that something is a basic need like
Water, something we take for granted, something we assume will be there at the opening of our faucet without any trouble, until temperatures get bellow freezing and you don't even think about leaving your faucet dripping all day long (I do have great reasons for that) and then you get home at night and
SURPRISE the bath water you were getting ready for your son is not but an inch high.
This is the scenario my husband had to deal with on Tues night as I was at church having a marvelous time in Bible Study. We talked about the unimportance of our home here but the one that really matters is up there in Heaven. Not meaning like we should trash our stuff but not make it the focus of our life, you know? so with that fresh in my mind, when I walk in the door and I realized what's going on I begin to repeat myself
"don't panic, it's OK".
This happened on Sunday morning too when we were getting ready to go to church, I did panic then, I wanted to be on time, we had breakfast Sunday and I know how much our son enjoys it and how much he was looking forward to it and let's just say washing yourself "part by part" like people used to do it years ago takes longer than just hopping in the shower and getting ready, needless to say my attitude was horrible (great way to get ready to teach Sunday school too, right?) so anyway, when all this happened again I knew my attitude needed to be a good one. My husband did the same thing he did Sunday Morning, when it took probably an hour or an hour and a half to get thawed. Let's just say this wasn't the case this time, an hour went by, two hours, all night and NOTHING!! He stayed home to see what we could do, the more I read on the internet trying to understand all this stuff the more it sounded like our pipes underground were frozen and everyone said "there's nothing you can do if that's the case, other than wait". My mother-in-law told me that this happened to them once when the kids were growing up and it took four weeks FOUR WEEKS!!!!!!!!! until it thawed,
uhm excuse me I'm getting ready to have a baby in less than 6 weeks, that means if is the underground pipes we'll be lucky to have water when we get home with the baby ...
... ok do not panic, that's not going to help ...
... don't go there, God will take care of it all ...
so that's what I spend the night doing, every time I woke up to see if the water had come back and I didn't hear any water coming through DO NOT PANIC, GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF IT.
Morning came but not the water, I managed to get clean, get out of the house, take our son to his preschool and as soon as I had a free hand I text all my friends to pray for us and this situation. I brought my laundry to work - I do happen to be fortunate to work with family and their house is super close by so I did my laundry there during the day, every hour in the morning I went to switch loads (I only had two) - I knew at the end of the day I was going to buy paper products and plastic silverware and 20 gallons of water to have at home. I called my husband once and he said "still nothing" I kept praying and repeating myself it was all going to be Ok, we would get through it. I already had a plan in mind on how we were going to go take our showers at my in-laws who live next door, have our two gallons of water to flush our toilets once a day and just deal with it day by day.
As I left work I had my little moment of crying in the car, by myself, tears started falling and I told God "I promise I'm not complaining, I just need to have a minute and I'll be fine". As I was walking into the grocery store my phone rang and I realized I had a text too from home "We got water" I wanted to start crying all over again, I texted all my friends again and thank them for praying, "We Got Water Again"
When I got home, after my husband took his shower, I took mine a loooong one, one I thank God each minute I was feeling that warm water running over my shoulders and body. Oh the joy of something so simple, something we do everyday, something I take so much for granted.
This morning our son asked me:
"Mommy, what are you doing with that water??" as he looked at the sink and there's water running apparently for no purpose, I told him we needed to leave it running so our water wouldn't froze again, he got excited and said
"so I can have water for my bath and not be cold" Thank you Lord for my water today and everyday.