That weekend my mom came, YES my MOM is HERE!!!!!
This sweet encounter took place at the airport where we were anxiously waiting for these two to meet!!! I think their smiles say it all, right? "Abuelita" is here, Nicolas and Emilia can't get enough of her, Nicolas knows that when I tell him he needs to wait for me to get his juice or start his bath or whatever it is he wants he calls Abuelita and his wish is made in an instant ... I know, one day I'll be a grandmother too and I'll be spoiling my grand kids just as she is doing with our children :)
It's been a blessing - a huge one - to have my mom here but the fact that Emilia got dedicated while Mom's here is even bigger (Thank you Lord for doing all this for us). Yes our baby girl got dedicated with a bunch of other children from our church, she did well, she looked adorable and she got a cold after wearing her fancy dress with no onesie underneath too.
On Mother's day 2007 Nicolas got dedicated, back then he was the only baby, he was 8 months old and he had his "shining" moment when our Pastor put the oil on him he made this sweet sound and the whole church heard him, they smiled and awwwed (that's not a word I know!!). Emilia had her sweet moment too, although this time the whole congregation couldn't hear her because she wasn't the only one (guess she knows this is how it is when you are the 2nd child) but she did made the sweetest cooing sound when she got anointed!! Nicolas was concerned if the oil was going to hurt sister, then when he touched her forehead he said "Eeewww ... it's all in my hands mommy!!" oh brotherly love, there's nothing like it.
Speaking of that, Nicolas has been super sweet to his little sister, he loves to do goofy things in front of her because she looks at him and smiles so big, I love to see them "playing" sweetly together because I know this won't last and before I know it they will be big and probably not so nice to one another.
I love how he has his arm around her on this picture because I didn't suggested it, he just did it!! :)
Emilia is growing extremely fast these days, she has started to eat her cereal, she's now enjoying food, her first food was Butternut Squash and she loved it, she also has enjoyed sweet potato and let's just say green beans is not in her favorite list so far, my mom mixed it with carrots today and she enjoyed it much better.
I got the feeling she'll be a better eater than brother (I can only pray so)
Nicolas used to eat great, any fruit of vegetable you put in front of him he would devour
but as he got older he's SOOO PICKY now :(
Emilia is finally enjoying belly time (this brings so many memories from when Nicolas was this age, I have an all-time-favorite picture of him from this stage), she loves to look around and discover the world around her, when I put her on the floor she manages to turn around and look at the TV when brother is watching, I believe this will be a battle I'll have with my children all my life, they don't need to know I used to be glued to the TV too when I was a child!! Does this mean I don't need to be worried because I turned out ok? naaaa I still want to be a "KILL YOUR TV MOM" :)
She also enjoys looking at books, which is what I'm pulling for Books Books and more Books!! We'll see how successful I am this second time, Nicolas does love story time at night but I just wish he didn't like TV so much! It's been an answer to prayer that our DVD player in the car only works a few times so all of the sudden we have to do without and to be honest, unless we have to make a long way trip I don't want to replace it because is so much nicer to be able to talk to Nicolas and enjoy our time together in the car than to try to talk to him when he's not listening!
There's so much in my mind that I wish I could spend a whole day just typing up my thoughts but I'll have time for that one day when my children are grown and they don't want to be with me all the time, I know one day I'm going to miss that little voice calling me "moooommy". My mom says we should count how many times a day Nicolas calls me, I'm really tempted to do it :)
Well believe it or not it has taken me DAYS to put this post together so if something doesn't make sense I'm sorry, this is the best I can do with life right now.
To close this post filled with info from here and there, what's better than one of my favorite pictures with my baby girl.

See ya next time!
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